Water faculty in montana

The Montana University System supports a wide diversity of faculty that have interest in water, water resources, and freshwater ecology.  Below is a list of these faculty with links to their websites. 


Donald O. Akanga. Department of Social Sciences & Cultural Studies. Montana State University Billings. GIS applications in water resources and sustainable livelihoods

Lindsey Albertson. Department of Ecology at Montana State University. Geomorphology, biodiversity, restoration, and ecological function of streams and rivers.

Chris Allen. Department of Civil Engineering at Montana State University. Environmental engineering, water quality, natural treatment systems, constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment.

Michelle Anderson. Biology Department at University of Montana Western. Ecological responses to natural and human disturbances in aquatic systems.

Anthony Bertagnolli. Department of Microbiology and Cell Biology at Montana State University. Aquatic microbiology.

Daniel Bigelow. Agricultural Economics at Montana State University. Interconnections between market outcomes, policy, and the management/use of natural resources.

Len Broberg. Environmental Studies Department at University of Montana. Climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Jack Brookshire. Land Resources and Environmental Sciences at Montana State University. Biogeochemistry and nutrient cycling.

Joel Cahoon. Civil Engineering at Montana State University. Water Resources Engineering

Brian Chaffin. College of Forestry and Conservation at University of Montana. Influence of policy on water rights and water management regimes with climate change.

Sarah Church. Department of Earth Sciences at Montana State University. Stakeholder engagement; water; urban and working landscapes

Ben Colman. College of Forestry and Conservation at University of Montana. Aquatic ecosystem ecology.

Tim Covino. Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences at Montana State University. Impacts of land use and land cover on water quantity and quality in Western US.

Alysia Cox. Chemistry & Geochemistry Department at Montana Tech. Aquatic geobiochemistry.

Arica Crootof. Department of Environmental Sciences at University of Montana Western. Water management, human dimensions of global change, and science communication

Wyatt Cross. Department of Ecology at Montana State University. Freshwater ecosystem ecology, food webs, global change. 

Jeremy Crowley. Hydrogeology at Montana Tech. Big data analytics, ground water assessment, ground water monitoring, drones, real-time GIS, LiDAR.

Michael DeGrandpre. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at University of Montana. Aquatic biogeochemistry.

Shawn Devlin. Flathead Lake Biological Station at University of Montana. Aquatic ecology.

Jean Dixon. Department of Earth Sciences at Montana State University. Geomorphology and earth surface processes.

John Doyle. Little Big Horn College. Crow Water Quality Project, Crow Environmental Health Steering Committee.

Lisa Eby. College of Forestry and Conservation at University of Montana. Aquatic vertebrate ecology.

Mari Eggers. Department of Microbiology and Cell Biology at Montana State University. Tribal environmental health and health disparities, water quality and human health risk assessment.

James Elser. Biology Department at University of Montana, Director Flathead Lake Biological Station. Biological and ecological stoichiometry.

Erika Espinoza-Ortiz. Center for Biofilm Engineering at Montana State University. Nanotechnology for water and wastewater treatment, fungal applications for wastewater treatment.

Stephanie Ewing. Land Resources and Environmental Sciences at Montana State University. Soil-hydrology interactions, isotope biogeochemistry, soil-groundwater-surface water interactions.

Matthew Fields. Director for the Center for Biofilm Engineering at Montana State University. Microbiology and immunology, biofilms.

Chris Gammons. Department of Geological Engineering at Montana Tech. Aqueous geochemistry at high and low temperatures, economic geology, acid mine drainage, stable isotopes.

Payton Gardner. Geosciences Department at University of Montana. Hydrogeology, isotope hydrology, groundwater-surface water interactions.

Ali Gebril. Hydrogeology at Montana Tech. Ground water assessment, GW modeling, hydrogeology.

Susan Gilbertz. Social sciences and cultural studies at Montana State University Billings. River systems as human, biological and physical systems.

Chris Guy. Department of Ecology at Montana State University. Conservation of large-river fisheries and invasive species suppression.

Nick Hagerty. Agricultural Economics and Economics at Montana State University. Natural resource and agricultural economics, water, land use, climate.

Julia Haggerty. Department of Earth Sciences at Montana State University. Natural resource issues, socio-ecological systems, rural community resilience.

Katie Hailer. Chemistry and Geochemistry at Montana Tech. Aquatic chemistry.

Robert Hall. Flathead Lake Biological Station, University of Montana. Freshwater Ecosystem Ecology

Sarah Halvorson. Department of Geography at University of Montana. Water resource geography.

Ric Hauer. Flathead Lake Biological Station at University of Montana. Stream and wetland ecology.

Siwei He. Department of Civil Engineering at Montana State University. Hydrological modeling, snow hydrology, spatial heterogeneity.

Joseph Hoover. Department of Social Sciences and Cultural Studies at Montana State University Billings. Water Resources, geographic information system; environmental health.

Trevor Irons. Department of Geological Engineering at Montana Tech. Surface nuclear magnetic resonance measurement of groundwater.

Kelsey Jensco. College of Forestry and Conservation at University of Montana. Watershed hydrology and climate change. 

Liping Jiang. Civil Engineering at Montana Tech. Hydraulic engineering, water quality modeling, stormwater management, river dynamics.

John Kimball. College of Forestry and Conservation at University of Montana. Global carbon and water cycles, biophysical, process modeling, satellite remote sensing.

Catherine Kirkland. Civil Engineering and Center for Biofilm Engineering at Montana State University. Magnetic resonance, wastewater treatment, bioremediation, biofilms.

Bill Kleindl. Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences at Montana State University. Wetland assessment, restoration and management, ecological monitoring and assessment, remote sensing.

John LaFave. Ground Water Program at Montana Tech. Ground water resource evaluation, geochemistry and dating, isotope hydrology.

Ellen Lauchnor. Center for Biofilm Engineering at Montana State University. Biofilms in wastewater treatment, wastewater contaminant treatment processes, microbially induced mineral formation, reactive transport in biofilm.

Rebekah Levine. Environmental Sciences Department at University of Montana Western. Geomorphology, water data and land assessments.

Yaofa Li. Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at Montana State University. Microfluidics, thermal-fluid diagnostics, multiphase flow; porous media.

Winsor Lowe. Biology Department at University of Montana. Spatial processes that influence evolution, population biology, and community ecology.

Gordon Luikart. Flathead Lake Biological Station at University of Montana. Ecology, population genetics, conservation biology.

Rachel Malison. Flathead Lake Biological Station at University of Montana. Ecology & Evolution Program at University of Montana; Monitoring Montana Waters program.

Clayton Marlow. Department of Animal & Range Sciences at Montana State University. Western Sustainable Agriculture, Research and Education Program. Riparian ecology and range science.

Jamie McEvoy. Department of Earth Sciences at Montana State University. Political ecology of water management and hydrosocial cycle, climate change, climate-water-energy nexus.

David McWethy. Department of Earth Sciences at Montana State University. Ecosystem diversity, climate, human and natural disturbance across large spatial and temporal scales.

Tom McMahon. Department of Ecology at Montana State University. Fish ecology and conservation.

Libby Metcalf. College of Forestry and Conservation at University of Montana. Co-chair Department of Society and Conservation. River recreation management, social dimensions of river restoration, human and wildlife conflict.

Alex Metcalf. College of Forestry and Conservation at University of Montana. Human dimensions of natural resources and the environment.

Clint Muhlfeld. Flathead Lake Biological Station at University of Montana. Aquatic ecology, fisheries biology, and conservation biology, human stressors on Rocky Mountain native salmonids and macroinvertebrates.

Raja Nagisetty. Environmental Engineering at Montana Tech.

Kayhan Ostavar. Environmental Sciences at Rocky Mountain College. Environmental science.

Rob Payn. Land Resources and Environmental Sciences at Montana State University. Hydrology and stream ecology.   

Brent Peyton. Thermal Biology Institute at Montana State University. Extremophiles, fungal and algal biofuels, heavy metals bioremediation.

Katey Plymesser. Department of Civil Engineering at Montana State University. Ecohydraulics.      

Geoff Poole. Land Resources and Environmental Sciences at Montana State University. River ecology, fluvial geomorphology, landscape ecology.

Richard Ready. Agricultural Economics and Economics at Montana State University. Natural resources economics, environmental economics.

David Shively. Department of Geography at University of Montana. Geomorphology, riverine ecology, hydrology, watershed processes, water resources planning and management.

Glenn Shaw. Department of Geological Engineering at Montana Tech. Groundwater and surface water interactions in mountain systems, river restoration impacts to mountain rivers.

Joe Shaw. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Optical remote sensing systems, optical design, lidar for autonomous vehicles, radiometry.

Adam Sigler. Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences and Water Quality Extension at Montana State University. Water quality, interdisciplinary water resource research.

Mark Skidmore. Department of Earth Sciences at Montana State University. Biogeochemistry, geomicrobiology, glaciated systems.

Brian Smithers. Department of Ecology at Montana State University. Forest ecology, sub-alpine forest and alpine community ecology.

Eric Sproles. Department of Earth Sciences at Montana State University. Spatial analysis of snow and water resources.

Otto Stein. Civil Engineering Department at Montana State University. Constructed wetlands, water quality, and hydrology.

Frank Stewart. Department of Microbiology and Cell Biology at Montana State University. Aquatic microbiology, symbiosis, genomics.

Brian St. Clair. Department of Chemistry and Geochemistry at Montana Tech. Analytical chemistry.

Rob Thomas. Department of Environmental Sciences at University of Montana Western. Environmental sedimentology, geology, geoscience education.

Ryan Thum. Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology at Montana State University. Invasive aquatic plant ecology, evolution, and management.

Matt Trentman. Flathead Lake Biological Station at University of Montana. Ecosystem ecology, biogeochemistry of freshwater ecosystems, linkages between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.

Danielle Ulrich. Department of Ecology at Montana State University. Plant physiological ecology, plant responses to environmental stress, climate change.

Maurice Valett. Division of Biological Sciences at University of Montana. Aquatic ecosystem ecology.

Christine Verhille. Department of Ecology at Montana State University. Aquatic ecological physiology, fish conservation, fisheries management.

Alisa Wade. Department of Geosciences; USGS North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center. Conservation science and planning.

Rob Walker. Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry at Montana State University. Optical spectroscopy; surface, materials, electrochemistry, combustion.

Vicki Watson. Environmental Studies at University of Montana. Watershed CPR (conservation, preservation, restoration) science.

Andrew Whiteley. College of Forestry and Conservation at University of Montana. Evolutionary and ecological processes at the population level.

Andrew Wilcox. Geosciences Department at University of Montana. Fluvial geomorphology.

Art Woods. Division of Biological Sciences at University of Montana. Physiological ecology of invertebrates, climate-physiology interactions

Laurie Yung. College of Forestry and Conservation at University of Montana. Conservation and natural resource management, climate change.

Al Zale. Department of Ecology at Montana State University. Aquatic wildlife conservation, restoration, and management.

Tianyu Zhang. Mathematical Sciences and Center for Biofilm Engineering at Montana State University. Mathematical modeling, scientific computation, biofilm modeling.

Xiaobing Zhou. Geological Engineering at Montana Tech. Satellite and unmanned aircraft system (UAS) remote sensing and applied geophysics.